Best Photo tips

The best quality products, come from a good image.  I have put together a bit of info on what I have found helps to make the design that ends up most like the pet.  That being said, we can absolutely try to work with whatever images you have and have gotten great results from those!  I understand sometimes you only have certain photos of a pet that has passed, or want to keep it a surprise by taking a screenshot from someone’s social media.  If you do have some options though, these tips can help! 


Pick photos that have good lighting, this will help show definition which will help in designing the image.  Remember the decals are all one colour, so we need to be able to see light and shadows to get the best result.



Make sure your pet is positioned how you want the decal.  If they are lying down or sitting funny, that is how the decal will end up. Think about any clothing, accessories or blankets that you would not want in the decal.  If you do want them in it – just let me know! 


Who is the Subject

Have the image be just the pet you want (if you can).  If you have a person or other dog in the background or beside, please specify in the notes section.  Also please do not have items in the foreground. 



Have Fun

Have fun taking a new photo of your pet!